Timo Heino is known as an artist who avoids no materials. In his hands materials are given new form and meaning. Often his works are also installations which occupy the entire space and sink deep into one’s consciousness. For Heino, raw material isn’t simply an ingredient. It’s something that has its own existence and material history. The book presents Heino’s vast production.

Harri Kalha’s article Artful Bypass Surgeries bites into Heino´s art. ”The fraught concept of gender has long challenged visual artists, but what gives Heino´s viewpoint – a trans-aesthetically male one – its freshness, is the fact that its ambiguous eroticism is of such a plastic kind. Bypass Surgery is at home in the worldly realms of fashion and interior design – and pornography proper – yet it manages to retain its street credibility vis-à-vis the conceptual salon.”